Brimming With Life And Love
ARTIST Cheng Yeow Chye gets inspiration seeing a trishaw pedaller waiting for acustomer near the Goddess of Mercy Temple (Guan Yin Temple) in Jalan Masjid Kapitan Keling, George Town, Penang, and he recaptures the scene on painting using vivid watercolours.
“I was truly inspired by the scene. I did some sketches on sight and decided to create an artwork based on my sketches.
“It was quite important to showcase the trishaw peddler and how he had helped many people to get to their destinations.
“When I painted this piece, I left white spaces instead of overlapping it with colour.
Penangite Cheng showing his artwork of a trishaw pedaller waiting for customers.
“That’s how I got the 3D effect for the painting,” said the Penangite, who is a Han Chiang High School alumnus.
Cheng’s painting is among the artworks on display at the Asian Trio Art Exhibition at the Galeri Seni in Armenian Street, George Town. The public can also buy the art pieces.
The other two artists who are participating in the exhibition are Kuo Hsiang-ling of Taiwan and Wen Xinmin from China.
Kuo said the exhibition allowed her to showcase some beautiful sceneries in Taiwan.
She said her personal favourite was ‘Jiufen, Under the Lights’ which incorporates western and eastern details.
Cheng’s ‘Mother’s Hometown, Dedicated to My Beloved Mother’.
“It’s a watercolour painting and I used black ink which is used for traditional Chinese calligraphy in this artwork.
“This piece shows the three layers oflandscape in the mountain town of Jiufenin Taiwan,” said Kuo, who is dubbed the Taiwan Watercolour Fairy.
Wen’s preferences are often connected to traditional Tibetan themes, which portray men and women folk doing their daily chores.
“I find that one will dwell in the purest emotions through these artistic elements,” he said.
Cheng’s ‘Father’s Hometown, Dedicated to My Beloved Father’.
Wen’s ‘Red Headscarf’ captivated many as it shows a woman in a red headscarf, with only her eyes visible to the audience, as sheis spotted in the freezing cold Tibetan mountains.
“I used only black, brown and red paint for this piece,” said Wen, who is a former educator and active member of the Sinchuan Artists Association.
Earlier, Penang State Gallery Retrospective solo exhibition artist Datuk Tan Chiang Kiong, who was the guest of honour, urged the public to visit the exhibition.
“It’s important for us to embrace art. The state and country should also pay more attention to art and culture.
The beautiful ‘Taiwan Sky’ by Kuo.
“Art is a great platform to make the city more alive and become a bridge for different races and culture,” he said during the launch of the exhibition recently.
Galeri Seni Mutiara director Koay Soo Kau said the nostalgic artworks at the exhibition would definitely provide the public with joy and happiness.
“There is a variety of outstandingartworks.
“Therefore, this combined force of three artists of international recognition under one roof will pave the way for the development of art in this region,” he said.
The exhibition is on from now until Oct 28 from 11am to 6pm. For details, contact 04-2620167/016-4440167 or e-mail koaysookau@gmail.com.
Wen’s ‘Shepherdess’ illustrates the simplicity of village life.